Our Theory of Change

Only collective action can transform systems. Activist enterprises and alternative spaces help us build the new while inside the old.

Our Mission

Highwire is a multidisciplinary, liberatory-oriented grassroots oriented consulting collective working to support activist entrepreneurs, transform and contemporize entrepreneurship education, promote alternative resourcing strategies, and foster solidarity between progressive entrepreneurs (defined as people with enterprises of any kind or type) and the left so that together, we might build an inclusive, non-oppression, post extraction, post-colonial, life-affirming economy for all beings and planet.

Our Why?

We know we need a radically different economy. Supporting the development of alternatives is how we are going to get there.

Let’s talk. Debate. Struggle together. Try new things that will help us determine the pathway forward. Let nothing be off limits.

Let’s also work to educate ourselves.  There are a lot of new alternative economy ideas emerging across the planet which need to be explored–ideally without fear.

Feminist business practices. Alternative resourcing. Anti-oppression-based governance. Workplace democracy. Distributed-ownership. Mutualism. Alternative financing (i.e. ROSCAs). Post-growth entrepreneurship. Biomimicry-based venture and ecosystem models.  New economy venture crafting tools and frameworks.

Yes, we can create a human-centred, versus profit-centred economy.

We can start by supporting spaces that can ferment, and amplify these new ideas and support folx who are working workout how to put ideas into practice


Struggle is innovation in action.

We work to open minds, hearts, facilitate co-creation, liberate imaginations, share emerging tool kits, frameworks and relevant lived experiences to shift entrepreneurial pursuits towards a new, post-growth, post-capitalist economy that can support and encourage a pluriverse-defined flourishing for all beings -including Mother Earth.